Show some lovin'


Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

We had a wonderful thanksgiving with family. We only had two feasts this year! I feel like we usually have more stops to make and are constantly going. It was nice to not have to rush from one place to the next.

We started off our day at my Grannie's. Pretty much the whole family was there and even though I haven't seen a few in awhile, we picked up right where we left off. My family may be loud and crazy, but I love them all! We had a blast, sharing stories and laughing! We also enjoyed wayyyyy too much food!

After Grannie's, we came home and relaxed for a bit, before heading out for the "Black Friday" shopping. I know this sounds crazy, but I LOVE it! I didn't have anything special that I was shopping for, but I still have fun browsing and people watching! People watching is my favorite!

Today we had Thanksgiving with my other fam. Again, we had way too much fun eating, laughing , and chatting!


I felt like a momma failure because I didn't take a single picture on Thursday, but I was quickly reminded how that is not always a bad thing. I was spending time with the ones I love and making memories instead of snapping pics. That made me happy. But I couldn't resist one pic today of the kids eating. They were really enjoying themselves!

So here it is the end of a holiday and we're all relaxing again.


I am thankful for my family. I am thankful for my friends. I am thankful for my health. Most of all, I am thankful for my life. Thank you Jesus, for making all of this happen.



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